Invoices for payment of dues shall be mailed by February 28, and payment is due by March 31st. Any accounts with partial payments as well as non-payment by March 31 will be charged a late fee in the amount of $25.00 beginning April 1. This $25.00 surcharge will be added monthly until the balance is paid in full. The HOA appreciates your prompt payment. Delinquent accounts will be subject to legal action. Legal fees incurred during collection are the responsibility of the delinquent party and will be added to the homeowner's HOA account.
It is highly recommended payments are mailed as we will go off the postmark date for assessing late fees. If a payment is dropped off at the mailbox in the subdivision, any payment deposited after 5:00 PM on 3/31 will be considered late. In addition, Board members and Officers will not accept payment.
If you misplaced, or did not receive your HOA invoice by March 6th - please contact to request an additional copy of the invoice.
As a continued cost savings measure, receipts will not be mailed - your canceled check will serve as your payment receipt. However, if you provide your email address on your remittance slip, a receipt can be emailed to you upon request.