City of Kenosha Notice: Sept 25th
County of Kenosha Notice: July 12th
Annual Subdivision Rummage Sale: June 28th - 29th from 9am to 3pm.
Annual Meeting: February 7th
2018 [Events] -
Meet & Greet 2018: Saturday, September 22nd from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
Annual Subdivision Rummage Sale: June 22nd - 23rd from 9am to 3pm.
January 2018 [News] -
A new set of Board of Directors and Officers have been set for 2018:
January 31, 2018 [Meeting] - Annual HOA Member Meeting
Location: Nash Elementary Library - 6801 99th Ave., Kenosha, WI
Check-in: 5:30 - 6:00pm
Meeting: 6:00 - 8:00pm
The items below are here for historical purposes only. Due to the transition between websites, some of the links below may not work. If there is something specific you are trying to find and are unable to, please email us directly.
June 24 - 25th 2016: Leona's Rolling Meadows annual subdivision rummage sale. Friday June 24 and Saturday June 25th from 9-3. Email if you are interested in participating. Please provide your name and address. The cost is only $2.00. Send payment to Lesley Feudner at 8311 65th Pl. Cash only please.
July 2014: Thanks to the efforts of Alderman Bogdala and the City of Kenosha FEMA has acknowledged that zoning maps which showed some of our subdivision lots were in a flood plain were in error and will be corrected.
June, 2014: Our subdivision annual (2014) rummage sale is coming soon. Save the date for Friday June 13 and Saturday June 14th 9-3. Cost is 2.00 per house. Please contact if you will be participating this year. Thank you!
January, 2013: Notice for the Annual Meeting should hit mailboxes the week of January 7th, 2013. The meeting will take place at the Nash Elementary Gym on January 24, 2013, starting at 6p. Check-in starts at 5:30p. It is important that all lot owners within Leona's Rolling Meadows make the effort to attend this meeting. If you did not receive the mailing, please contact us at
April, 2012: Some Leona's HOA residents received a notice from the City of Kenosha regarding Flood Hazard areas. A copy of the letter that the HOA received for one of our community parcels can be found here. There is a meeting with the City to discuss this, we highly suggest everyone who may be impacted by this decision, to attend the City Plan Commission meeting on Thursday May 10th at 5pm. More information can be found on the City Of Kenosha website, or you can email Mike Callovi (Planning Technician - City of Kenosha) at
June, 2011: Please note that our mailing address has changed to 6465 87th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53142. The mailbox at the entryway off of Hwy H has been relabeled with this information.
May, 2011: A reminder to all residents with regards to pond/public area usage. These areas are meant to be enjoyed by all owners within Leona's Rolling Meadows. Children should be monitored around the ponds, there have been reports of toys and garbage being left around the ponds, and items (garbage, rocks, etc) thrown into the ponds. The ponds are not playgrounds, and should be used appropriately and respectfully.
February, 2011: Invoices for the 2011 Annual dues will be mailed by 2/28/11. You can find information on our 2011 budget here. Annual dues are due on 3/31/11. Late fee's will start to be assessed on 4/1/11. 2011 dues will remain at $130 for the year. If you were a homeowner for all of 2010, and 2010 dues, you will receive a $28 credit on your invoice to offset your 2011 dues, thus making the payment $102.
January, 2011: Notice for the Annual Meeting should hit mailboxes the week of January 3rd, 2011. The meeting will take place at the Parkway Chateau (Brat Stop) Bristol Room on January 20, 2011, starting at 6p. Check-in starts at 5:30p. It is important that all lot owners within Leona's Rolling Meadows make the effort to attend this meeting. If you did not receive the mailing by January 10th, please contact us at
August 26, 2010: Effective immediately, Derek King has been appointed the role of Secretary for the Leona's Rolling Meadows HOA. Welcome to the team, Derek.
August 23, 2010: Effective immediately, Bob Haggarty provided resignation as President of the Leona's Rolling Meadows HOA. Until such time the Board of Director's is able to find a replacement, the duties of the President position will be filled by the current Vice-President.
May 2010: New website launched. Please take a moment to review the new site! All comments and suggestions are welcomed to improve the site and homeowner communication. Also, please consider joining us on Facebook as well!!
May 2010: The store where our HOA mailbox was located is closing. This required the HOA to seek alternate means of receiving mail. In coordination with the Kenosha Postmaster, we were assigned a mailing address within the subdivision. There will be a physical mailbox installed by the end of May at the entry way to the subdivision, near the intersection of 65th St and 87th Ave. This box will allow homeowner drop off as well as USPS delivery, and will be locking for security purposes. The USPS is taking care of forwarding so no mail is lost during the transition. Special thanks to the Kenosha Post Office for being so helpful in securing the new address!
April 2010: 2010 property maintenance has started. You’ll start to see your HOA dues at work getting the entry way beds cleaned up, trash picked up and lawn maintenance starting in the next few weeks. Your HOA dues help in maintaining nearly 40 acres of property
[1/5/10]: The 2010 Annual Meeting for the voting of the new group of the Board of Directors will take place January 20, 2010 at the Parkway Chateau 12304 75th St, Kenosha WI (by the Brat Stop). Check-in will occur from 5:30p-6:30p, with the actual meeting taking place from 6-8p. Anyone interested in running for one of the 3 open Board of Directors positions, or an officer position should contact, and fill out the form received in your mailbox this week.
[12/09]: Information for the Leona's Rolling Meadows HOA annual meeting will be mailing in the next few weeks. All residents are strongly encouraged to participate. Also, remember that as part of the annual meeting, the 2010 Board of Directors will be elected. This group will elect the officer positions. The HOA is in strong need of volunteers for these positions. If you are interested, please contact us via phone or email. Thank you.
[12/09]: Due to a mandatory and automatic transition from GoogleApps to GoogleSites, some pages may not display properly, and links may be broken. The website will likely be re-written in 2010. If you find any links that do not function, please email Thank you.
[11/23/09]: You may have noticed some last minute repair work being done around the neighborhood. The landscaper is filling the ruts and holes around the HOA public areas with dirt, and re-seeding/sodding where applicable. There is also a flag on order to replace the battered Kenosha Flag at the entryway.
[6/15/09]: We are excited to announce that the entry way landscaping beds (the monuments) will be redesigned in the next 2 weeks. It took a bit of time for the landscaper to be sure the weather would cooperate, and for no more frost warnings to happen!! We are excited to see the beds, and are sure all residents are too!! In addition, the flags were recently replaced for the Memorial Day holiday!
A few reminders:
[4/2009]: 2009 HOA Maintenance has started! Our landscaping contractor has started annual maintenance on all HOA property. This includes a vast litter clean up effort, fertilizer and weed control around all ponds, and a spring-time complete re-landscaping of the entry way beds off of Hwy H. More to come, watch your HOA assessments at work!
[3/24/09]: Information about the Leona's 2009 Rummage Sale has been posted under Community Events.
[9/2008]: A reminder to residents: Motorized vehicles (ATV, dirt bikes, etc) are not permitted in the nature preserve and HOA land areas. These trails are to be used only for walking. If residents see this type of activity, they are urged to contact the Kenosha Police Department.
[6/21/08]: Moving forward, notes from the Board of Directors meetings will be posted online. They can be viewed here.
[6/1/08]: Residents are required by Kenosha City Ordinance to maintain lawn areas. Lots with noxious weed or grass issues will be reported to the city for immediate action. You can read about the Kenosha Ordinance here. Residents who see homes not complying with the ordinance are also urged to contact the city at 262.653.4263.
[3/1/09]: The 2009 Annual Assessment invoices were mailed February 27, 2009. Payment is due in full no later than March 31, 2009. Late fee's will be assessed April 1, 2009.
[1/17/09]: The 2009 Leona's Rolling Meadows Board of Directors were recently elected at the Annual meeting. You can download the 2008 Annual meeting presentation by clicking here.
[12/22/08]: The 2009 Annual Meeting information can be found here. All residents are highly recommended to participate in this meeting. Notice of this meeting was mailed to all homeowners on record as of 12/31/08.
[11/24/08]: The entry way lighting had to be replaced this week as it was damaged by vandals. In addition, the solar cell that controlled the on/off was replaced, this should ensure the lighting is on at the proper times. Also, a Kenosha City flag was added to complete the 3 flag poles.
[4/28/08]: Have you noticed your 2008 HOA dues at work? Leona's 2008 maintenance has begun, you'll notice the tree rings around all ponds re-mulched, and the entry way flower beds cleaned up by end of this week! If there are any other concerns related to landscaping or HOA property maintenance, please let us know!
[2/18/08]: The 2008 Annual Budget has been approved, and invoices were mailed 2/29/08. The 2008 Annual Dues for Leona's Rolling Meadows HOA will be $135 per lot. Please click here for information on the 2008 Budget. Payment is required by March 31, 2008, otherwise late fees will be added to HOA accounts in the amount of $25 per month starting April 1, 2008.
[2/1/08]: The 2008 Board of Directors has elected the following officers: President: Steve Retherford, Vice President: Eden Neise, Treasurer: Bill Yazji, and Secretary: Angela Moreno.
[1/30/08]: Thank you to all who braved the weather and attended last evenings meeting. In addition, thank you to all those who volunteered for the available positions. Voting results are available here. The presentation that was reviewed is available here. Please contact with any questions about the annual meeting.
[1/13/08]: IMPORTANT ANNUAL MEETING INFORMATION: Please click here to view information about the 2008 Annual Meeting. Mailings will be sent to all homeowners on record the week of 1/14/08.
[1/9/08]: The Kenosha zoning officials found the Neumann Homes signage and the mailbox clusters to be in violation of Kenosha City rules, and they have been removed. They also removed the William Ryan sign off of 60th as this was also in violation.
[12/30/07]: Information for the Annual meeting of Leona's Rolling Meadows HOA will be coming soon. If you are interested in running for the Board of Directors, please contact A reminder, please do not send in any HOA dues for 2008 at this time. The new Board will establish the budget for 2008 and send out invoices by 2/28, with payment due by 3/31. Any monies incorrectly sent in prior to the invoices going out will be held as a credit on your HOA account, to go towards whatever the 2008 dues will be.
[12/26/07]: In regards to the signage that Neumann Homes has left around our neighborhood, Kenosha zoning officials have been notified, and they are reviewing what can be done to remove the large sign along H as well as the signage around the Neumann Homes models.
[11/07]: Deanna Burton has resigned from her position of Secretary on the Leona's Rolling Meadows HOA. Per the by-laws [section 4.04], the responsibilities will be filed by the Board of Directors until the next election.
[8/12/07]: The results from the vote have been posted. Please click here to view the information about the vote!!
[5/1/07]: As warmer weather has come upon us, we wanted to remind all residents to allow ample time prior to the start of any exterior improvement for an architecture review. Homeowners are required to submit an ARC Request and receive approval prior to any jobs starting, exterior work without the proper approval will result in a violation fine. When in doubt, check with the ARC first!!
[8/20/07]: The recent increase in water movement in the retention basins has stirred up debris along the edges. Our landscaping contractor will be cleaning up the debris over the next day or two.
[7/14/07]: All homeowners within the Leona's Rolling Meadows HOA should have received their voting ballot to voice their opinions on the motions for change to the Rules & Regulations. They were mailed on 7/12/07, and came in a bright green envelope. If you do not receive your information by 7/17/07, contact us ASAP at 262.997.1069 or It is extremely important that every lot owner submit their vote. If we don't get responses, the rules will not change - and there will be no other attempt to alter any rules by this HOA Officer & Board group for the remainder of 2007. Click here to view information about the vote.
[7/8/07]: All builders within Leona's Rolling Meadows and NeuVillage who did not take care of the overgrown weeds/grass on their lots were reported to the City of Kenosha. Residents are also urged to contact the City @ 262.653.4263
[6/27/07]: Our HOA has contacted all builders within Leona's Rolling Meadows and NeuVillage about vacant lots and noxious weeds. Builders were put on notice that our HOA would be contacting the City within the next week to report the overgrown weeds if they are not taken care of.
[6/27/07]: A big thank you to the 35 lot owners who attended last evenings HOA meeting. Your HOA is diligently working on the comments, suggestions and motions given in order to send out the voting froms ASAP. There was questioning regarding the interpretation of voting procedures which we are consulting the HOA attorney on, this may delay mailing of the voting forms. Please click here to view details of the meeting, information from the meeting will be posted soon.
[6/11/07]: Attention all Leona's home/lot owners!!! Your participation is requested at the next HOA Meeting. This meeting will be held on June 26, 2007 at 6:30p at the Mahone Middle School, 6900 60th St, Kenosha, WI. Please click here to view details of the meeting.
[6/10/07]: Regarding the entry way flower beds off of H. Neumann Homes refused to turn over the entry way to our HOA for maintenance, as they wanted to take care of it because they still have models on our side. We have informed them that they need to hold that area to a higher standard, and that weeds and a poor looking entrance will not be tolerated. They will be resolving the issue by 6/22/07 .
[6/10/07]: As for the mowing along Cty H, we contacted the County to have them review this area. The land between the Leona's lots and H is not Association property. The county says this area is only mowed 4 times per year. As it looks very poor, our HOA will assume the mowing along H to ensure our neighborhood looks it best.
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